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Wrestler CM Punk Challenges Chris Brown to a Wrestling Match!

So now Chris Brown is beefing with a WWE Wrestler?

Ok, I don't know who started this war but supposedly Chris Brown called out WWE wrestler Phillip Jack Brooks better known as 'CM Punk' and accused him of using steroids. 

Chris also said CM Punk has a small penis. 

In response, CM Punk released a video earlier and has some words for Chris (watch the video below).

CM Punk said in the video, "I don't have a manager, I don't have a bodyguard, I don't need a bodyguard, I don't have an assistant, I have no need for a PR team to tell me what to tweet or when to delete tweets and I don't hit women."

He said Chris hasn't paid for what he's done to Rihanna and CM Punk also challenged Chris to a match. Wow, shots fired!

Chris obviously watched the video or heard about it and took his thoughts to Twitter (read from bottom to top).
