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Best Comeback on Twitter to Chris Brown's Ignorant Ebola Tweet

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So... this happened yesterday. And, I had to ask myself if this is really Chris Brown tweeting from this Twitter account? And, if so, maybe he needs to take a break from tweeting. 

Yesterday, Chris Brown tweeted out to his followers, "I don't know ... But I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. Sh*t is getting crazy bruh."

Umm okay, Chris. Well, after receiving a lot of negative backlash from tweeting his thoughts on Ebola, Chris then tweeted out, "Let me shut my black a** up!"

But it was too late and people had a field day with what Chris tweeted. By far the best response to Chris' take on Ebola came from user @AndyLeeTweets
"@chrisbrown Fascinating. Do you also think domestic abuse is a form of discipline?"

Ohhh! BOOM!

Chris didn't respond to that comment but he didn't shut up like he said he was going to in the previous tweet. Instead, he followed up and tweeted, "I say what I want. If u don't like it.... "S*CK MY A**" (little Asian girl voice)"

Not kiss, but suck. Yup, that's what breezy said. I have no more words. **exits stage left**
