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Chris Brown Speaks Out About Fake Friends (Video) + Why Does He Always Look High In His Instagram Videos?

Whatever happened to cute Chris Brown? You know, the one from Stomp The Yard and This Christmas. Can THAT Chris come back? Because, the Chris that I always see on social media nowadays looks a lil' sick. 

Lately, when Chris posts an Instagram video, he always looks like he's on something. I don't want to assume he's on drugs or that he's high... so, maybe it's stress or lack of sleep? 

Whatever it is, he needs to get himself together because his cheek bones are looking better than mine lately! 

And, where are his so-called friends or PR? Someone needs to tell him to stop posting these damn Instagram videos where he lashes out, rants, etc. Chris is out here looking a li' cray cray sometimes. And, these videos sure as hell don't make him look any better on top of all those restraining order reports that are swirling around on gossip sites. 

Anyways, Breezy recently uploaded an Instagram video about fake friends. Check it out below and see if you can notice what I'm talking about (minus those two piercings in his nose):

A post shared by LA LA| That Sassy Jersey Chick (@ooolalablog) on

Am I tripping or nah? 


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