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FRIEND CODE: 6 rules every female should follow when going out to party

I recently came across a post on Instagram that I feel needs to be reshared. Below is an unspoken list of rules that all friends should follow when going out to drink and party.

Please share if you have young ones or for anyone who needs to learn from this because we need to teach these younger girls and spread awareness of how us women need to watch out for one another.  

Friend Code 101

CODE 1: We Leave Together

No, you may not leave with some random dude and no I will not leave you at the party by yourself. We came here together so we all leave, TOGETHER!

CODE 2: Establish a DD in The Crew

All of us can't be shit face drunk. At least one person in the crew needs to be alert and aware of the surroundings. This person holds the car keys and is the designated driver or is responsible for calling an Uber and making sure everyone's ass is leaving together (as stated in Code #1).

CODE 3: Travel In Packs To The Restroom

If someone has to go to the bathroom or go outside, then dammit, we all have to go to the damn bathroom or outside!

CODE 4: Watch Them Dranks

Our crew does NOT accept drinks from strangers unless we're at the bar and watch the bartender pour the drink.

CODE 5: When One Is Way Too Lit

If someone in our crew is too drunk to function, we all are leaving the party early. 

CODE 6: No Wandering Off

No one should just wander off. If Code #5 happens before we get the chance to leave early and one of us happens to go missing, that person gets a maximum of 10 minutes (or even less) to show up or call. If not, the police will be called because no one is going home without you. 


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