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Find Out The Most Requested Halloween Costume This Year...

Halloween is less than two weeks away and you won't believe who people want to dress up as this year and I'm not talking about Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson or Nicki Minaj.

Casey Anthony
Halloween shops all over the country are being flooded with requests for a Casey Anthony costume!

As you know, Casey was acquitted on charges of killing her two year old daughter and her case has been named as the social media trial of the century.

According to TMZ, "An owner of one of the largest international manufacturers of Halloween costumes said even though there is a crazy high demand for this costume he has no interest in even attempting to seek out the necessary license to manufacture a Casey clone." 
A Casey latex mask
 which was previously used in a parody video
and sold on EBay for $1 million in July.

So if you want a Casey Anthony costume this year you're probably going to have to make it yourself, maybe a shirt that reads: "I'm a child murderer" and people will most likely guess Casey Anthony.

And, I also heard Casey is getting her own E! True Hollywood story, which is a documentary series usually about famous Hollywood
