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Jennifer Hudson Talks About Her New Book, Family Life and Beyonce (Video)

Jennifer Hudson was on Jay Leno's The Tonight Show on Friday, chatting it up about her new book "I Got This," her family and her recent weight loss. 

Jennifer lost 80 pounds and said she doesn't want to lose anymore, she just wants to maintain that weight.

She also recently gave her Dreamgirls co-star, Beyonce some motherly advice in US Weekly being that she has a two-year-old herself. 

"Girl, get your sleep! Embrace it. Especially because of the lives we live, a lot of times other people have to care for themselves and you have to have that mommy time. We talked about this when I had my munchkin. It goes so fast. She’s going to look up and [Blue]‘s going to be six months. Next thing you know, she’s going to be walking.” Hudson said during a Good Housekeeping press event in New York City (via: US Weekly).

Watch the The Tonight Show interview below:
