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Tyrese has a public melt down, cries on social media over not seeing his daughter in 2 months

Tyrese had a public meltdown yesterday (Nov. 1) where he shared a video on his Facebook page of him crying. The 38-year-old actor/singer is currently going through a custody battle with his ex-wife, Norma Mitchell Gibson, and says he hasn't seen his 10-year-old daughter, Shayla in two months. 

“Don’t take my baby. This is all I got. Don’t take my baby, okay?” he says in the video as he starts sobbing. “I’ve been away from my baby for two months. I just want my baby and no one’s listening cause no one’s in the courtroom.”

I don't think this video will help his case, but anyways...

After his breakdown, Tyrese uploaded another video later that day to his Instagram page telling fans he's okay.

“Contrary to what some of y’all may believe, I’m actually okay,” he said. “And I’m not putting this up to calm people down. If people are having conversations about what’s going on in my personal life… my private life has always been private. Do your research. Anybody who’s ever been in my life will tell you, I’ve never seen him cry that way, I’ve never seen him have a meltdown.”


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